2013年7月30日 星期二



長野是日本比較罕見的內陸縣之一,被稱作日本的屋脊。一級行政區。面積13,585平方公裏。人口215.7萬 (1990)。西面屹立著號稱日本阿爾卑斯山的飛蟬(北)、木曾(中)山脈,東邊擋著赤石(南)、三國山脈和關東山地,千曲川、天龍川、木曾川等大小河流 發源于周圍高山,匯入中央的星羅棋布的小盆地。除北部多降雪屬日本海式氣候外,大部分屬于內陸式氣候。1998年的冬季奧運會使長野縣的聲名遠揚,長野縣 是日本少有的農業縣之一,高原果樹和蔬菜栽培很發達,號稱園藝王國。林業也很發達,木曾山的檜林號稱日本三大美林之一。
日本長野 資料圖片
    長野縣是自然,歷史,文化的寶庫。位于日本的中央,北阿爾卑斯,中央阿爾卑斯,南阿爾卑斯聳立其間,因此有“日本屋檐”之稱。全縣 面積達13,585平方公裏,有四個國立公園,終年可供娛樂活動。春,夏,秋三季可供遠足和露營,冬季可供滑雪和滑冰。登山愛好者也可在此根據自己的能力 挑選適中的山峰攀登。
    長野原在1940年獲得主辦權,但因為二戰關係,冬季奧運停辦,因此無緣舉辦這項盛會(冬季奧運會1940年及1944年因戰爭停 辦兩屆,1948年才恢復舉辦)。此次,他們擊敗了西班牙的哈卡、美國的鹽湖城、瑞典的俄斯特松德和意大利的瓦爾達奧斯塔後,終于重新獲得了冬奧會的主辦 權。
    1998年,冬季奧運會及國際傷殘人運動會就是在長野縣內各地舉行的,曾經令全世界的人為之感動不已。另外,隨著長野新幹線等告訴 交通網的開發,交通也越來越便利,並與縣內的自然風景調協一體,長野縣既是冬季體育活動的中心,也逐漸稱為國內外人士所屬目的觀光,旅遊,文化中心。
    “表參道”因 1998 年舉辦長野冬季奧林匹克運動會而經過重修,成排的建築是將“土藏造”(四面涂抹泥灰的房子)、西洋風格的建築改建而成的現代風格建築。在大道上,有展出過 去水泵、防火衣等物件的消防博物館,有保存著世界各國古舊鐘表的鐘表博物館,有能參觀到各種燈具和玻璃制品的玻璃博物館等,還有商店的一部分作為博物館的 街頭微型博物館。

加藤嘉一「安倍經濟學」: 淡/「修憲」:人民



傍晚,我去了東京新宿站以南的紀伊國屋書店 (Kinokuniya,日本最大的書店)。逛書店可以知民情,書店是社會認知興替變遷的縮影。針對眼下的選舉,書店特意開闢了兩個區域:一個是「安倍經濟學」,從中可以清晰地分出讚美和反對兩個陣營;另一個是「日本國憲法」,也是修憲派和護憲派兩種聲音對立。
我問他:「平時人就有這麼多嗎?挺熱鬧的。」他答:「周六 嘛,不過,從街頭觀察,最近經濟景氣了一些,可稱為『安倍經濟學』的短期效應。」在我們隔壁,七個男人大吃大喝,毫不擔心口袋裡的現金,不斷加點酒肉,大 聲談論時事。「短期效應?」我接着問。「是啊,超寬鬆的貨幣政策有了,股市回升了,日元貶值了,但企業自身的競爭力並未提高。物價上漲,但工資不漲,這樣 老百姓日子會變得更加艱難,只是現在還看不出來。財政政策似乎也在擴張,追加了總額10萬億日元的預算,用來刺激經濟,當前的景氣有望持續到秋天,所以 IMF預測2013年日本GDP增長將達到2.0%,是G7成員國中最高的。但是具有長期影響的戰略改革,要等參議院選舉後才能見分曉,前景並不樂觀。」
花旗集團(Citi)在日本的一名高管藤田勉 (Tsutomu Fujita)最近寫了一本書,《貨幣寬鬆政策憑什麼被高估——被政治憐憫的日本央行的實力與局限》。他寫道,「安倍政權的經濟政策促進日元貶值、股票升 值是事實。但安倍經濟學絲毫沒有解決日本經濟真正的病根。日本經濟結構性問題的本質在於失衡的人口年齡分佈、低迷的產業國際競爭力、以及膨脹的財政赤字 等。況且,央行採取寬鬆的貨幣政策,往往放鬆決策者的心態,弱化其改革意志,使本來應該推行的改革議程滯後不前。」
我的看法同他們兩位的觀點相近:日本必須解決經濟的結構性 問題。這將是一個長期過程,需要從提高企業國際競爭力、培養能夠適應全球競爭的人才、以及強有力推行深刻影響年輕人消費習慣與未來心態的財政重建三個方面 着手。為此,日本需要放寬各種市場管制、建立外國企業家願意投資的開放的商業環境、戰略性地吸引海外優秀勞動力、激發日本女性與高齡者在職場上的潛力等。
7月21日,周日,投票的日子到了。整個下午,我拿着一瓶 水,跑步觀察東京城的這一天。晴天,炎熱,周末。幾乎沒有一個行人在談論選舉,何況政治。偶爾路過投票網點,不熱鬧,沒排隊,幾個人進去,幾個人出來,遠 遠不及東京地鐵里的繁雜與擁擠。東京地鐵里的喧鬧忙碌與與政治氣氛的冷淡之間形成強烈對比:在日本,政治在普通民眾中似乎也沒什麼市場。
投票前,日本各家媒體對本次選舉投票率預測都不樂觀:「不 會很高」。日本採取間接式的議會內閣制,選民並不直接選舉首相。果然,今年參議院選舉的最終投票率僅有52.61%,意味着一半選民(選民不等於國民,在 日本,20歲以上的國民才有資格參與投票)的想法無法在選舉過程中得到反映。這樣的選舉能叫做民主政治嗎?當然,任何合法的選民都有不去投票的自由。或 許,這種自由比那種民主更加寶貴。
最終結果是,安倍領導的自民黨贏得65席,與自民黨聯合執 政的公明黨獲得11席,兩者合起來達到76席,加上之前已有的議席,共計135席,超過參議院半數(122席)席位。民主黨只獲得17席(至今最少),之 前因黨首、大阪府知事橋下徹(Toru Hashimoto)的不慎言行而陷入混亂與分裂的日本維新會只獲得8席,而一貫反對修改憲法,曾與民主黨聯合執政的社民黨只獲得1席。
值得關注的是日本共產黨奪得8席,可謂突飛猛進。這耐人尋 味的結果讓不少國民感到驚訝。共產黨在選舉前夕的聲明中稱,「是推行以國民收入和就業為基礎的經濟政策,還是優先考慮財界利益的安倍經濟學?越來越多的選 民對我們給予了信賴和期待,他們認識到,共產黨能夠切實阻止安倍政權一意孤行、為所欲為的行為。」
從選舉結果來看,本屆參議院選舉對接下來展開的政治議程帶 來的最大影響是終結了「扭曲議會」——2007年起,持不同政見的政黨或政黨聯盟一直分別控制着日本議會參眾兩院中的一個,加重了日本的政治癱瘓。自民黨 公明黨執政聯盟在眾參兩院均擁有多數的局面有利於通過各種法案,克服政策瓶頸。
在選舉活動中,安倍晉三始終強調為了實現「日本復活」,需 要的是所謂「政治穩定」。言下之意,只有克服「扭曲議會」,讓自民黨和公明黨控制參眾兩院,日本才能走出經濟不景氣,走向強大。安倍經濟學給日本經濟帶來 的積極效應,使日本民眾更加願意支持安倍晉三及其政黨,實踐其改革設想。
自民黨壓倒性的勝利也賦予了安倍更大的自由,使他有可能推 動其最大的政治信念——修改日本現行憲法第九條,即永久放棄國家發動戰爭、武力威脅或以武力行使作為解決國際爭端的手段。此前,自民黨在2013年4月 27日,拿出了七年以來的第一份憲法修改草案。內容有,自衛隊改名為國防軍;許可行使「集體自衛權」(按現行憲法解釋,日本不能行使「集體自衛權」);明 確天皇定位為「日本國元首」;將尊重國旗國歌義務化。
安倍晉三能否實現自己修憲使日本成為「正常國家」的「日本 夢」,變數無處不在。日本民眾願意讓他走多遠也仍屬未知。選舉結束的第二天,一名自民黨議員對我說,「公明黨在修憲問題上的立場與我們不同,自民黨內部也 不能說是鐵板一塊,隨時都會有分裂的可能,再說,選民也不可能輕易地認同改變憲法中的現狀。」
從對外政策的角度看,安倍晉三是否參拜靖國神社是繞不開的 話題。根據日本最大報紙《讀賣新聞》在選舉剛結束的7月22-23日舉行的緊急全國輿論調查,46%的回答者認為「應該參拜」,36%的回答者認為「不該 參拜」。在分裂的民意麵前,安倍晉三究竟會做出怎樣的選擇?迄今為止,他沒有名明確表態到底去還是不去。半個月後的8月15日又逢日本終戰紀念日,安倍會 做些什麼?
高度關注安倍是否參拜靖國神社的不僅是中韓兩國,這些天我 更多接觸到的警惕之心來自美國華盛頓方面。大約兩周前,一名研究東亞問題的美國學者在波士頓私下裡對我表示擔憂,「在歷史認識問題上,美國恐怕幫不了日 本,這與領土問題不同。華盛頓很擔心日本在這個問題上惡化與中國的關係,這是美國政府不想看到的。」
舉一個例子。從當前尖閣諸島(中國稱釣魚島及其附屬島嶼) 問題的角度看,安倍晉三基本繼承了之前民主黨野田佳彥內閣的政策,即日本中央政府對該島進行國有化是合理的,中方應該停止向該島附近派遣公務船等挑釁行 為,這樣不利於維持穩定的日中關係。從「自民黨大勝、民主黨大敗」的結局看,日中關係或外交政策,基本沒有影響選民的投票行為。
可想而知,安倍晉三對於日中關係的「重視」對自民黨的「人 氣」來說沒有什麼加分,也沒什麼減分,這一方面產生於日本輿論看待中國崛起中的複雜心態,另一方面源於安倍在其對華言行上刻意保持的平衡,即「可以表示重 視,交流是必要的,但不能過了,過了就被國內對華強硬派抓自己的尾巴,不利於實現修憲這一政治信念」。
值得一提的是,與以往不同,這屆選舉解禁了「網絡選舉」, 即不管是競選者還是選民,都可以在網絡上進行選舉宣傳活動,比如,競選者在Facebook上宣傳自己的政治理念,選民在Twitter上支持某一個候選 人等(這些舉措之前是被禁止的)。據悉,這次的433名候選人當中,九成以上的人通過社交網絡展開了選舉活動。
原來單向為主的選舉活動日益雙向化,說明網絡正在重塑政治 遊戲。比如,有些年輕候選人放棄了傳統意義上的選舉活動,集中精力在網上與選民互動,點對點、近距離地討論熱點問題。競選者與選民之間的互動如何影響選舉 結果,能夠在何種程度上促進老百姓對政治的關心度與參與度,將是未來可探討的議題。我個人認為,對於長期陷入政治不穩定的日本、長期持有政治冷漠態度的日 本人來說,網絡選舉或許可能成為日本政治重獲「元氣」的途徑之一。
加藤嘉一(Kato Yoshikazu)是「80後」日本作家,曾在中國學習、生活近十年,著有《中國的邏輯》《愛國賊》《日本鏡子》等,現在美國哈佛大學訪學。「三國+1」是加藤嘉一在紐約時報中文網的專欄,記錄他對日本、中國、美國三個國家及其互動的觀察與思考。

2013年7月29日 星期一




  • 携帯に送る
  • ヘルプ

(2013年7月28日23時03分  読売新聞)



[語素] 1 名詞、動詞の連用形に付いて、その物事の状態やようす・ありかたなどの意を表す。語調を強めるとき、「っぷり」の形になることがある。「枝―」「仕事―」「話し―」「男っぷり」「飲みっぷり」...


  • 携帯に送る
  • ヘルプ
 この日は世界遺産「日光の社寺」の維持・修理を行う「日光社寺文化財保存会」の職員らが彫刻を取り外した。漆塗り部門の佐藤則武主任(64)は 「やっと出会えたなあという感じ。生きててよかった」と笑みを浮かべ、「桐油蒔絵は当時の流行を伝える特殊な技術。江戸時代の文化をひもとくことにつなが る」と壁画の価値を強調した。東照宮の職員は「200年前の陽明門の姿を見た気がする」と感激した様子だった。
(2013年7月28日18時54分  読売新聞)

2013年7月27日 星期六


正岡子規直筆の「一茶評」戸隠で発見 あふれる敬愛

 俳人小林一茶(上水内郡信濃町出身)の作品を評する正岡子規の自筆原稿が25日までに、長野市戸隠の民家で見つかった。原稿の1枚目(写真)には「一茶の特色は主として滑稽、諷刺(風刺)、慈愛」などとつづり、訂正した様子も残っている。  俳人小林一茶(上水内郡信濃町出身)の作品を評する正岡子規の自筆原稿が25日までに、長野市戸隠の民家で見つかった。原稿の1枚目(写真)には「一茶の特色は主として滑稽、諷刺(風刺)、慈愛」などとつづり、訂正した様子も残っている。

 明治時代を代表する俳人・歌人正岡子規(1867~1902年)が、上水内郡信濃町出身で江戸時代の俳人小林一茶(1763~1827年)の作 品などを収めて1897(明治30)年に刊行された「俳人一茶」に寄稿した自筆原稿が25日までに、長野市戸隠の民家で見つかった。一茶の俳句を高く評価 した内容がつづられている。子規記念博物館(松山市)によると、子規の自筆原稿は散逸するなどして現存数が少なく、全国的にも非常に珍しい。


 一茶研究家で子規にも詳しい矢羽(やば)勝幸・二松学舎大客員教授=上田市=と、信濃町の一茶記念館が、子規記念博物館から提供を受けた資料などを基に し、筆跡や原稿用紙の年代などから子規の自筆原稿と判断した。矢羽さんは「一茶への評価を記した子規の唯一まとまった資料で、子規を研究する上でも意義が ある」としている。

 原稿は計5枚で、1枚が縦21・5センチ、横29・5センチ。5枚を縦に並べて掛け軸に表装されている。原稿は「一茶の俳句を評す」と題し、「一茶の特 色は主として滑稽、諷(ふう)刺、慈愛の三点に在り。中にも滑稽は一茶の独壇に属し、しかも其(その)軽妙なること俳句界数百年間僅(わずか)に似たる者 をだに見ず」などと高く評価。一茶の人柄や俳句の形式などにも言及している。子規記念博物館は「子規は一茶の俳句が勉強になるとしており、注目すべき俳人 の一人と考えていた」としている。




  • 携帯に送る
  • ヘルプ
(2013年7月28日17時25分  読売新聞)

2013年7月26日 星期五



據日本總務省日前發佈的《2012年就業結構基本調查》顯示,25至39歲的日本女性中,參加工作者的比率達到69.8%,為歷史最高水平。在日本企 業中女性的空間變大,很多女性為了增加家庭收入而選擇生育之後繼續留在崗位上工作。日本經濟要想持續增長,女性的貢獻被認為必不可少。


  勞動慾望強盛的25歲至39歲日本女性群體在5年前的就業率為66.8%,此次增加了3個百分點。過去,日本這一年齡段的女性更容易因為結婚或者生育 等因素而離開工作崗位,所以比起之前的20歲前半段或之後的40歲以上人群,就業率要低一些。這種情況現在有所改善。而15歲到64歲的勞動人口中,女性 就業率也比上次調查高了1.4%,達到63.1%。也是歷史最高值。



  日本工作女性的增加還有其他因素。按丈夫年收入分別觀察日本女性的就業率會發現,丈夫年收入在250萬至299萬日元之間的家庭,妻子工作的比率最 高,達65.8%。這反映出僅有丈夫的工資已經無法支撐家用的現實。在上述情況的家庭中,妻子沒有正式工作,而在打零工的非常多,推高了女性的非正式雇用 比率。

  正式雇用也好,非正式雇傭也好,如果勞動的日本女性增加,各個家庭的收入也會增加,消費也就可以提高。不過,雖然女性有志願選擇職業人生,但日本企業 對於發揮女性才幹的環境整備卻並不充分。三菱綜合研究所的首席經濟師武田洋子錶示:「要想在全社會發揮女性的才幹,必須從改變阻礙女性工作意願的稅收制度 和社會保障制度著手,比如改變鼓勵專職家庭主婦的現有所得稅的配偶減稅制度(指如果存在無收入或少收入配偶的時,納稅人可扣除一定金額後申報所得)等。」




土用の丑の日 - Wikipedia

ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/土用の日Translate this page




       日本有在「土用丑日」吃鰻魚的習俗,每年臨近這一天,鰻魚需求都會增大。近年來,由於鰻魚苗採購量持續減少,鰻魚價格不斷飆升。使用替代食 材製作的「烤鰻魚」愈發受到關注,丸大食品順應市場需求,推出了這款產品。內容量約為1人份,共100g,附贈醬汁20g。


「土用丑日」日本人吃鰻魚 夏季進補


一年四季中的五行表現各具特色,春屬木、夏屬火、秋屬金、冬屬水,而在立春、立夏、立秋、立冬前的十八天都稱為土用,一年有四個「土用」。夏季的土用日地 支屬丑,節氣中為一年之中最炎熱之時,日本人在這一天有吃「鰻魚」(うなぎ,unagi)的習俗。今年的「土用丑日」在七月二十七日,在日本也有「鰻魚 日」的俗稱。「土用丑日」俗稱「鰻魚日」
日本民俗中,有在「土用丑日」吃「u」開頭發音的食物對身體健康好的說法,鰻魚(音unagi)就是,另外醃漬梅子、烏龍麵等都是「u」開頭發音的食物,因 「丑」就是「牛」,發音是「usi 」。如今到了「土用丑日」鰻魚飯已經成了代言了。傳說是早年的鰻魚商販因為在夏季裡鰻魚不好賣為了促銷想出來的廣告點子呢。這種思考和中國飲食文化中的 「吃什麼補什麼」宛然暗合。


蒲 燒先要切開魚身並剔去骨刺,淋上以醬油為主的醬汁,串上竹籤燒烤。蒲燒的起源為何呢?據說在江戶時代初期,在江戶城(東京前身)前的沼澤內就有許多鰻魚, 當時燒烤攤將鰻魚燒烤賣給整備江戶街道建構工程的工人們。當初,鰻魚被大塊大塊地切開後,串上竹籤抹上燒烤醬去燒烤,據說,那形狀和香蒲的穗很相似,所以 就稱為「蒲燒」了,那時鰻魚身並沒有切開。到了江戶後期,開始了將鰻魚切開並且剔除骨頭的做法。今天常見的蒲燒鰻魚作法已經不同於往昔,然而,蒲燒這個名 詞則沿用下來了。
「土用丑日」吃鰻魚 夏季進補
鰻 魚營養成分中含有良質蛋白質及相當高量的維生素A、E等,能有效的預防工作壓力所引起的身體不適,維生素E亦是強力的抗氧化營養素。鰻魚肉中的膠原蛋白很 豐富,膠原蛋白被視為美容聖品,可以修補疲憊的肌膚、皺紋,增加皮膚彈性,讓皮膚更漂亮;其高含量的不飽和脂肪酸對強化血管、防止高血壓及動脈硬化也有用 處。不管是對美味或是美麗的需求,鰻魚都有牠的價值,所以日本人在「土用丑日」這一天交給「鰻魚」,進行夏季的進補,其食補的道理是很明顯的。
兩 三年來,從台灣、中國進口的鰻魚越來越少。今年,鰻魚魚苗的捕魚量很少,加上去年東日本地震核災,海域捉捕到的鰻魚輻射含量超過標準未能出漁,故而鰻魚物 價高騰。因此,有一個日本貿易公司決定進口非洲馬達加斯加島的鰻魚。非洲的鰻魚是法國料理的材料。非洲的鰻魚和日本鰻魚的種類不同,表皮顏色比較黑但是口 味很像。雖然鰻魚價格高漲,鰻魚飯在日本料理中還是不敗的傳統美食!@*

美東時間: 2012-07-26 19:49:26 PM 【萬年曆】 【投稿/爆料】

2013年7月23日 星期二

Japan's temples, universities, hospitals haunted by yen bets

Japan's temples, universities, hospitals haunted by yen bets

Japanese Buddhist monk Ryusho Soeda poses for a photograph during an interview with Reuters at his temple in Koyasan in Koya, Wakayama prefecture, June 25, 2013. REUTERS-Hideyuki Sano
Buddhist monks walk at a temple in Koyasan in Koya, Wakayama prefecture, June 25, 2013. REUTERS-Hideyuki Sano

KOYA, Japan | Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:26pm EDT
(Reuters) - Ryusho Soeda, 66, has taken on a job for which his career as a Buddhist priest never prepared him: forensic accounting.
Soeda's temple is the 1,200-year-old Koyasan, a World Heritage site deep in the mountains of western Japan and long prized as a haven for quiet contemplation. But in recent months monks here have been debating a very worldly question: How did a complex bet on the yen go so horribly wrong?
Soeda, who was picked to head Koyasan in June after his predecessor was forced out, has promised a full accounting of the temple's losses, which at one point last year threatened to wipe out half of its endowment.
"My duty is to find out exactly what has happened and to publish it. Just like Greece published its window-dressing only after they had a new government, the truth will not come to the light unless you change the power," Soeda told Reuters.
The financial crisis at Koyasan is an example of an overhang of losses that cash-rich Japanese religious groups, schools, small firms and wealthy individuals are facing - and in some cases fighting in court - because of financial derivatives tied to the yen.
Fujita Health University, which runs one of Japan's biggest hospitals, lost $240 million on currency derivatives. Nanzan University in Nagoya said this year it had lost over $230 million. Both schools took their losses from derivatives that were sold to them in the unsupervised, over-the-counter market. In many other cases, the losses have been driven by a product called a "power-reverse dual currency bond," a derivative marketed heavily to non-profit investors in Japan.
The losses highlight a problem Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has vowed to address: Japan's long-running economic slump has left its massive savings stranded in dead-end investments and left investors desperate for yield.
Abe has pledged to revive the world's third-largest economy and foster growth that can outstrip renewed inflation of 2 percent. But doing so will also mean driving a change in mindset by Japan's investors and driving home the message that risk follows return.
"Power reverse dual currency bonds" - known by the acronym PRDC - offered a higher return at a time when the yield on 10-year Japanese government bonds was stranded at less than 1 percent. Their popularity peaked in 2006 and 2007, just before the onset of the global financial crisis.
Yoshio Yoshimoto, a professor of economics at Kansai University, said many universities jumped without reading the fine print. "One might wonder whether these schools should teach economics to students in the first place'" he said.
Non-profits in Japan are not required to mark losses to market. Partly as a result, total losses from derivative bets gone bad are hard to estimate. But in one indication of the extent of the problem, there are about 300 ongoing lawsuits over such losses, according to Akiyoshi Motosugi, a lawyer in Tokyo. Most claim that the risks of the derivatives were not fully explained by the banks that sold them.
One of those is by Komazawa University, a Buddhist-affiliated school in Tokyo. The university lost $160 million in 2008 on currency derivatives purchased from Deutsche, BNP Paribas and UBS.
Deutsche and BNP Paribas declined to comment. UBS said it was contesting the claim. "We have challenged these allegations and are defending ourselves accordingly'" the bank said.
PRDC bonds were often structured to carry a high coupon for the first year. After that the coupon was determined by the rate of the yen. A knockout clause was typically set so that the bonds would be redeemed if the yen weakened past a certain threshold against the dollar or the Australian dollar.
That meant the investors accepted the risk of no interest payments if the yen were to strengthen - as it did from late 2007 to late 2012. The knockout clause capped upside.
Many of the bonds were issued in London's unregulated offshore eurobond market. According to Thomson Reuters data, there are about 5.2 trillion yen ($518 billion) of eurobonds with a complex coupon outstanding. A large share of those are PRDC bonds or similar derivatives. Others have yields linked to other volatile assets like the Nikkei share average.
The yen's fall since Abe took office has eased the pain for investors but many still have unrealized losses since the dollar has not recovered to its levels of 2006 and 2007 when it traded above 110 yen.
Koyasan is a case in point. The temple had a loss of about $6.5 million in March, although that was half of what it faced in May last year, said Yasuo Wakita, an official in charge of accounting. The derivatives were sold to Koyasan by Nomura Securities and Daiwa Securities. Both declined to comment.
The temple first made its foray into derivatives in 2002 when it was looking to make quick money to pay back a loan. Things went sour when it held the investment and losses began to mount.
"For me, the whole thing felt like a daydream'" said Kosho Shono, 70, who had run the temple for seven years but faced criticism over his handling of the investment and questions about whether the temple had tried to conceal its losses.
In late June, Shono convened a special convention of monks clad in traditional black robes intended to end months of bickering. Shono denied any wrongdoing and urged the assembled monks to put their differences behind them.
"There should not be infighting like this in the future," he said as he handed over stewardship of Koyasan to Soeda.
After 2008, Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) took steps to tighten rules on marketing of complex derivatives to colleges and other non-profits. Regulators said they were not aware of any large losses from products that came after the tighter rules were in place.
The FSA has urged investors to be more aware of investment risks and for fund managers to adopt appropriate internal checks on investment decisions.
Yoshio Shima, a professor of business at Tamagawa University, says the Japanese government should go further, drawing an example from the British government. In 2012, London's financial watchdog, then the Financial Services Authority, forced four banks to compensate small and medium-sized firms for some interest rate derivative losses as well as tightening rules on the marketing of those products.
"Japanese banks are almost like professional baseball teams that are winning big only by playing with little league teams," said Shima, who estimates small firms in Japan have lost some $10 billion from mostly currency derivatives in recent years.
(Editing by Kevin Krolicki and Neil Fullick)



莊素玉 東京思索

2013年7月22日 星期一

安倍晉三的完全執政轉型領袖tranforming leader / 改革方案力度不夠

 Election Win by Ruling Party Signals Change in Japan


By securing control of both houses of parliament for up to three years, Sunday's win offers Prime Minister Shinzo Abe the chance to be the most transformative leader in a decade. 

但願 安倍晉三的機遇是個日本的轉型領袖tranforming leader
Japan ruling bloc cruises to victory in parliamentary election
Washington Post
How Abe uses that political power will help determine the long-term health of Japan's economy and its relations with Asian neighbors. Analysts say Abe could pursue a largely economic agenda, one that includes difficult but needed reforms and austerity ...
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Japan upper house vote to set ruling bloc's power
SHARECONNECT 55 TWEETCOMMENTEMAILMORE. TOKYO (AP) — Japanese voters went to the polls Sunday in an upper house of parliament election expected to give Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's ruling coalition a strong mandate as he pushes ahead ...
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Japan's ruling bloc wins upper house elections
Houston Chronicle
The win is an endorsement of the Liberal Democratic Party's "Abenomics" program, which has helped spark a tentative economic recovery in Japan. It's also a vindication for Abe, who lost upper house elections in 2007 during his previous stint as prime ...
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Japan Inc. Faces New Disclosure Rules Amid Investor Complaints
The Tokyo Stock Exchange is looking to come up with new rules by the end of the year urging Japanese companies to respond to rumors and speculation in a concrete manner to address complaints from overseas investors. The exchange has been told by ...
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Japan Air to Continue Using 787 Beacons After Completing Checks
Japan Airlines Co. (9201), the second-biggest Boeing Co. (BA:US) 787 operator, said it finished checks on the emergency beacons on its fleet of nine Dreamliners and is maintaining their use on the aircraft. Japan Airlines found no faults with the ...
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Japan Election First Look: Winners and Losers
Wall Street Journal
Ballot boxes are opened to count ballot papers for Japan's Upper House elections at an election office in Tokyo on July 21. Agence France-Presse/Getty Images. With the preliminary exit polls out now for Japan's upper house election, all the major media ...
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Japan poll: PM Abe seeks stable government after win
BBC News
Japanese PM Shinzo Abe says his win in Sunday's upper house elections will help him form a stable cabinet, ending political volatility. Exit polls suggest his ruling coalition won at least 76 of the 121 seats contested, broadcaster NHK says. This would ...
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Japan plant admits radioactive water leaked to sea
TOKYO (AP) — A Japanese utility has said its crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is likely to have leaked contaminated water into sea, acknowledging for the first time a problem long suspected by experts. Experts have suspected a continuous leak since ...
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Japan Communists Celebrate a Little Victory
Wall Street Journal (blog)
As other opposition parties in Japan waffled and took views on hot-button issues like nuclear power that seemed similar to the ruling party's, the Communists have been a consistent voice of dissent. The party has also been on an all-out push to freshen ...
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Japan urges Britain to keep 'major role' in EU
LONDON (Reuters) - Japan has added its voice to international calls for Britain to maintain a leading role in the European Union, saying that membership is a key advantage for companies looking to access Europe's single market. British Prime Minister ...
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2013-02-06 天下雜誌


 (版主評論: 讓科學歸科學而不要揠苗助長)

把 「應有的社會景象」——無論多大年齡、有沒有殘疾,所有人都能感到人生的意義,並能獲得多次機會的社會;男女都能兼顧工作和育兒的社會;中小企業和小規模 經營者蓬勃發展、農山漁村的豐富資源成為經濟增長的源泉、富有地區魅力的社會——與切實可行的成長戰略聯繫起來,必將恢復強有力的經濟。








2013年 06月 06日 10:30


場總是能夠迅速做出判斷。在日本首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)週三公佈備受期待的結構性改革方案後,日經指數隨即下跌3.8%。






旨在提振投資的有針對性的稅收優惠政策是一個利好,但企業稅稅率依然偏高。匯豐(HSBC)經濟學家Izumi Devalier表示,日本的實際企業稅因地區而異,在東京高達38%左右,是發達國家中最高的一個。



Aaron Back

2013年7月20日 星期六

10 new Alert results for Japan: 2,000 TEPCO Fukushima workers exposed to high radiation doses

TEPCO now says 2,000 Fukushima workers exposed to high radiation doses

July 19, 2013
Estimated radiation doses in thyroid glands exceeded safe levels in nearly 2,000 people who worked at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant, more than 10 times the number previously announced, The Asahi Shimbun has learned.
The larger figure was deduced after doubts were raised both at home and abroad over the results of Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s belated first study on the workers’ health.
TEPCO, the nuclear plant’s operator, said in December that radiation doses topped 100 millisieverts--the widely accepted threshold for an increase in the risk of cancer--in 178 people, with a maximum reading of 11,800 millisieverts.
But that figure covered only a fraction of those who have braved the high radiation levels to try to bring the nuclear crisis under control.
The workers themselves say TEPCO has provided little or no information about radiation doses in their thyroid glands. Some have stopped working at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 plant.
The new figure is based on a review of an expanded number of study subjects.
TEPCO and its partner companies not only re-evaluated the readings from thyroid gland dose tests, but they also estimated doses when the amount of radioactive iodine that entered the body was unavailable. These estimates were based on cesium intake amounts, the airborne iodine-to-cesium ratio on the days they worked, and other data.
The latest study showed that doses topped the 100-millisievert mark in 1,973 workers. In one worker, the estimated thyroid gland dose increased by more than 1,000 millisieverts during the review.
A thyroid gland dose reflects the amount of internal exposure to radioactive iodine that has entered the body through inhalation and other processes. The thyroid gland doses received during the early stages of the nuclear disaster, which started in March 2011, account for most of the potential internal damage to the Fukushima plant workers.
Early on in the crisis, health experts warned about the risks of high radiation doses received by the workers. But TEPCO was late in opening a full-scale investigation into the thyroid gland doses.
The utility submitted data about the doses to the World Health Organization. However, TEPCO only released available data for some of the workers in December after it learned that the WHO was planning to disclose the information.
The data concerned 522 workers for whom thyroid gland dose test results were available.
It took TEPCO 28 months since the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, caused the nuclear disaster to learn that so many workers have been exposed to cancer-inducing levels of radiation doses in their thyroid glands.
Its re-evaluation also came after the U.N. Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, which received data from TEPCO, questioned the reliability of the company’s thyroid gland dose readings. Japan’s health ministry also ordered TEPCO and its partner companies to review the internal dose readings for the workers.
“We will provide and pay for annual, ultrasound thyroid gland tests to all workers with thyroid gland doses in excess of 100 millisieverts over their lifetimes,” a TEPCO public relations official said. “We have already notified those who are eligible for the checkups.”
But TEPCO said it does not know how many of those eligible workers have actually taken the tests. Sources said only about half of them have received the thyroid gland checkups.
In addition, the utility has not announced a schedule for the thyroid gland checkups for the workers and has yet to explain what it will do when it spots abnormalities during the tests.
Most of the study subjects with thyroid gland doses exceeding 100 millisieverts entered the Fukushima plant site early in the disaster and inhaled radioactive substances. TEPCO employees account for 976 of them, with the remainder employed by the utility’s main contractors and their subcontractors.
Several workers told The Asahi Shimbun that TEPCO has never provided a careful explanation about the risks of radiation exposure in thyroid glands. Some subcontractor workers have already quit their jobs, complaining that they were never told about the radiation doses or received any notification of thyroid gland tests.
The delay in the testing can be partly blamed on a health ministry policy, which says health control for nuclear plant workers should be based solely on whole-body doses.
The ministry has never taken the initiative to investigate thyroid gland doses in the Fukushima workers. It has left the task to TEPCO on a “voluntary” basis.
Some experts have emphasized that enhanced thyroid gland doses do raise the risk of cancer even if the whole-body doses remain modest. But the health ministry has maintained that whole-body dose control is sufficient.
The international consensus for the 100-millisievert threshold for an increased risk of cancer is based partly on studies following the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
The international standard for taking iodine tablets to block radiation exposure in thyroid glands, however, is 50 millisieverts.
Some health experts have said the cancer rate began increasing at the 50-millisievert level after the Chernobyl disaster.
Children are believed to be the highest at risk to thyroid gland doses. But a recent study showed the risk of cancer from thyroid gland doses rises even in people over 40, countering the previous belief that older people were far less susceptible to the cancer-inducing effects of radiation.
(This article was compiled from reports by Yuri Oiwa and Toshio Tada.)

News9 new results for Japan
Japan election could bring political stability
Washington Post
Polls suggest that Sunday's parliamentary election will provide an overwhelming victory to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), giving Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a chance to become Japan's most transformative leader since the collapse of the ...
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Japan Air 787 returns to Boston on fuel pump concerns
SHARECONNECT 48 TWEETCOMMENTEMAILMORE. BOSTON (AP) - A Japan Airlines flight to Tokyo's Narita Airport returned to Boston's Logan Airport on Thursday because of a possible fuel pump issue on the Boeing 787 aircraft. It's the latest trouble for ...
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Japan Communists Campaign With Cakes, Costumes
Wall Street Journal (blog)
As part of a push to refresh the image of Japan's oldest political party, the Japanese Communist Party unveiled an eight-member digital mascot team, the Proliferation Bureau, to lead this year's campaign charge ahead of July 21 elections. The ...
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Japan Tells Firms: Stop Sitting on Cash
Wall Street Journal
TOKYO—Okuma Corp., a Japanese machine-tool maker, has seen its stock price rise around 30% this year. Its customers have outdated machinery that needs replacing. But, for now, the company isn't investing. Instead, it is sitting on a pile of cash worth ...
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Japan to strongly pursue stimulus: BoJ's Kuroda
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Bank of Japan will tell the Group of 20 that it will "strongly pursue" its qualitative and quantitative policies, Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said, referring to action to lift growth and end deflation. Kuroda also said an eventual ...
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Japanese investors buy most foreign bonds since "Abenomics"
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese investors were net buyers of foreign bonds for a second straight week last week by purchasing the largest amount since September 2012, indicating they may be starting to seek higher returns overseas, after the Bank of Japan's ...
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Japan to let airlines remove 787 emergency beacons
Chicago Tribune
Japanese regulators are set to allow airlines to remove emergency locator beacons from their fleets of Boeing 787 Dreamliners, as the transmitters have been identified by British investigators as a likely source of a fire on board one of the aircraft ...
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Japan Inc frets PM may lose economic focus after election -Reuters poll
TOKYO, July 19 (Reuters) - Japanese firms want Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's party to win Sunday's election, but they worry a big victory will allow him to prioritise nationalist policies at the expense of building on gains wrought by his aggressive ...
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Japan's Aso welcomes Chinese move on bank rates
MOSCOW (Reuters) - China's relaxing of controls on bank lending rates is a step in the right direction, Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Friday. The move gives commercial banks the freedom to compete for borrowers, which the People's Bank of ...
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2013年7月18日 星期四

日本打工族無家可歸無時不上工Japan’s Rootless and Restless Workers



他是寺西彰(Akira Teranishi),一名日本上班族,17年前他從京都的一座大廈一躍而下。那天是情人節。
攝影師深田志穗(Shiho Fukada)與寺西彰的妻子笑子(Emiko)在她京都的家裡見面。笑子說,「我送了他巧克力,我問他能不能休息一天。」
三年前,米基·米克(Miki Meek)在紐約時報Lens博客就該系列的第一部分「勞動之城的終結(End of Labor Town)」寫了文章。深田志穗在大阪釜崎區待了一個月。她說那個地方已經變成了「丟棄老年人的垃圾場,酗酒、貧苦、自殺及孤獨橫行。」
深田志穗是獨自一人前往釜崎區的,那裡居住着2.5萬曾經 以打零工為生的人。後來她獲得了艾麗西亞·帕特森基金會(Alicia Patterson Foundation)的一筆撥款,還從普利策中心(Pulitzer Center)取得資助,以繼續她的計劃。她說日本是一個從繁榮走向衰落的國度,而她認為大阪的故事只是這種複雜印象的其中一面。
所以就誕生了該系列的第二部分,審視日本上班族中的自殺及 抑鬱現象。這些上班族是像寺西彰一樣的人,他們害怕丟掉工作,就在京都高聳的寫字樓里超時工作。被拍攝的其中一名男子中原翔太(Syota Nakahara,音譯),在和她見面時已經飽受抑鬱之苦多年。他此前在作系統工程師,曾起訴他的公司不支付加班費。
「在心理方面,我很焦慮不安。」他告訴她: 「我無法注意到身邊的景色,不知道今天是星期幾,也分辨不出現在是哪個季節。我唯一能看到的東西就是公司的入口和我辦公桌上的電腦。」
抑鬱症,特別是自殺,或「過勞死」(karoshi),在 日本文化中是不光彩的事。在20世紀90年代初,人們開始普遍使用過勞死一詞,當時日本出現經濟衰退,工人們開始花更多的時間來參與全球競爭的搏殺。在日 本,很多公司以前都採用了終身僱傭制,但是經濟衰退出現之後,它們也開始裁員了。
 「日本社會還沒有真正適應現狀。」深田志穗說。 「所以人們真的非常、非常想保住自己的工作。」
2011年,日本的非正式工人 ——這些人沒有帶福利的全職工作 ——在全部工人中所佔的比例從1990年的20%攀升到了大約35%。這個統計數字讓深田把眼光看向了那些賺錢太少、住不起公寓的臨時工。這些人到網吧里 尋求安身之所,被稱為「網吧難民」,他們夜裡租下網吧的包廂,清晨時便離開,因為網吧的費用晚上會打折。一名男子告訴深田,包廂足夠寬敞,他睡覺的時候不 需要彎着膝蓋。
酒井忠行(Tdayuki Sakai,音譯)是一名網吧包月者,他在女兒上大學後就辭掉了一家信用卡公司的工作。在做了20年他不喜歡的工作之後,他覺得到了離開的時候。 「結果他成了網吧難民,但他說自己在那裡快樂多了,」深田志穗說。
她問他是否願意搬到一間公寓,他說, 「不,我只是想離開日本。我沒有什麼可失去的了,我對這個國家不抱希望。」
深田說,儘管日本1985年通過了《平等就業機會法》(Equal Employment Opportunity Law),但高盛的報告顯示,在受過大學教育的女性中,只有大約三分之二有工作。
這種狀況讓一些年輕女性感到氣餒, 開始轉而去作女招待。 法律規定18歲以上的女性才能從事這種工作,但也有一些不足18歲的女性盛裝坐在酒吧里,等待男性顧客光臨。她們不是妓女,這種工作也只是調情,跟性交易 無關。深田說,很多女招待都希望能找到有錢的丈夫 。日本警察廳說,這樣的服務場所在日本至少有7萬家。
「我覺得,這種被隨意拋棄的感覺貫穿整個故事的始終,」深田志穗說, 「感覺到人們沒有得到一個勞動者應得的尊重,人們必須在極端條件下工作 —— 不外如此。」
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Japan’s Rootless and Restless Workers

A dark suit jacket hangs by a shaded window, beneath a portrait of a smiling, well-dressed executive.
The man is Akira Teranishi, a Japanese salaryman who killed himself 17 years ago, leaping from a building in Kyoto. It was Valentine’s Day.

“I gave him chocolate,” his wife, Emiko, told the photographer Shiho Fukada when they met at her home in Kyoto. “I asked him if he could take a day off.”
Ms. Fukada asked if she could see something Ms. Teranishi’s husband had left behind. The jacket had been his uniform — the clothing that transformed him from a man into a man with a job, one supporting his family. Like legions of others like him, the suit was his identity.
“The nameless worker, the empty jacket — that could be anybody,” Ms. Fukada said.
The picture (Slide 5) is from a series she has been working on since 2009, looking at the financial crisis and its effects on Japanese workers. A lonely mood suffuses the project, which examines depression and suicide among salarymen; temporary workers who live in Internet cafes; women working as hostesses; and a community of aging day laborers.
Ms. Fukada, who has been based in Beijing since 2008 and currently travels between New York and China, grew up in Japan. When she started reading about the financial crisis, she needed to see it for herself.
“This image of my country, I was really proud of how it was before,” she said. “And it is not the same anymore.”
Three years ago, Miki Meek wrote about Part 1, “End of Labor Town,” on Lens. Ms. Fukada spent a month in the Kamagasaki district of Osaka, an area she said had become “a dumping ground of old men, where alcoholism, poverty, suicide and loneliness prevail.”
Ms. Fukada went to Kamagasaki, home to about 25,000 former day laborers, on her own. She later received a grant from the Alicia Patterson Foundation and funding from the Pulitzer Center to continue her project. She said she thought that the Osaka story was only one side of a complex account of a country’s slide from prosperity.
“I wanted to explain why this community is here and what’s happening outside of this community,” she said.
And so the second part of the series was born, looking at suicide and depression among Japan’s salarymen — individuals, like Mr. Teranishi, logging far too many hours at work out of fear of losing their jobs in Tokyo’s high-rise office buildings. One man she photographed, Syota Nakahara, had been suffering from depression for years when they met. He had been working as a systems engineer and sued his company for unpaid overtime.
“I was psychologically on the edge,” he told her. “I could not register scenery around me. I couldn’t tell what day it was, nor which season. The only thing I could see was the entrance to the company and the computer on my desk.”
Mr. Nakahara, who is now on medication, has since become the chairman of a labor union in Osaka — a task he does during his spare time.
Depression, and especially suicide, or karoshi, are stigmatized in Japanese culture. At the beginning of the 1990s, the word karoshi came into common use as recession hit Japan and workers began putting in more time to battle global competition. Where many companies traditionally offered lifetime employment, they began laying off employees after the recession.
“The society hasn’t really adjusted to the reality yet,” Ms. Fukada said. “So people really, really want to hold onto their jobs.”
The size of Japan’s irregular work force — those without full-time jobs with benefits — climbed from about 20 percent of workers in 1990 to about 35 percent in 2011. The statistic led Ms. Fukada to examine temporary workers who make so little money that they cannot afford apartments. Instead, they seek shelter at Internet cafes. The so-called Internet cafe refugees rent private booths late at night and leave early in the morning, taking advantage of discounted night rates. One man told her that the booths are large enough that he doesn’t have to bend his knees when he sleeps.
Ms. Fukada stood outside several cafes, waiting for people entering with suitcases. That didn’t work. Ultimately, it took her two years to get access to one cafe, where a discounted monthly package goes for a little over $615 and soft jazz plays in the background.
Tdayuki Sakai, one renter, quit his job at a credit card company after his daughter entered college. After 20 years at a job he didn’t like, he decided it was time to leave. “He ended up at the Internet cafe, but he said he’s so much happier there,” Ms. Fukada said.
She asked him whether he would like to move into an apartment. “No,” he told her, “I just want to get out of Japan. I have nothing to lose and I have no hope for this country.”
One young woman there, only 18, moved to the cafe with her mother after losing their home in the earthquake.
“On top of not having a high school diploma,” Ms. Fukada said of the teenager, “she said she’s having a hard time because she’s a woman.”
Despite the Japanese Equal Employment Opportunity Law, which was passed in 1985, only about two-thirds of college-educated women are employed, according to a Goldman Sachs report, Ms. Fukada said.
Discouraged, some young women resort to working as hostesses. The women — who are legally required to be 18, although some are younger — dress up and sit at a bar, waiting for men. They are not prostitutes; there is no sex involved, only flirting. Many hope to find a rich husband, Ms. Fukada said. Japan’s national police agency said there were at least 70,000 such establishments in the country.
Ms. Fukada met a 24-year-old woman who said she planned to start lying about her age as soon as she turned 25 — too old, she thought, to be an eligible bachelorette.
“The feeling of being easily disposed of runs throughout the story, I think,” Ms. Fukada said. “The sense that people are not respected as a worker and people have to work in extreme conditions — it’s this or the other.”
Follow @kerrimac, @shiho_fukada and @nytimesphoto on Twitter. Lens is also on Facebook.

2013年7月17日 星期三

Japan News

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